It is a psychotherapeutic approach engaging the imagination by applying creative processes. These can include movement, dance, drama, visual arts and music. Creative arts therapists use creative techniques to explore feelings, emotions, unconscious thoughts, and beliefs to improve a sense of wellbeing and promote psychological healing.
Engaging in creative based counselling is a gentle safe approach for most lived experiences such as anxiety, trauma, loss and grief.
The creative arts is a gentle and fun way of developing the much needed executive functioning skills such as emotional regulation, flexible thinking, focus and reflection. These crucial mental skills help us interact with our families, friends and communities.
Below are some research articles explaining the benefits of creative arts therapies in specific contexts.

June 10, 2020
This article by Brittany Harker Martin discusses the positive effects the arts have on mental health. In particular drawing attention to the findings within Neuroesthetics. It is evident that engaging with the arts is neurologically pleasing, supporting attention, mindfulness and improved cognition. To read the full article please click below.

25 April 2015
This article highlights the significant and positive impact art therapy has with clients living with personality disorders. They highlight the insight gained, the integration and the support given to clients in their clinical treatment. To read the full article please press the link below.

26 Feb 2014
The article by Boehm et al concluded that there were valuable benefits for women impacted by breast cancer undertaking creative arts therapies. They posit that the creative process was reflective, relaxing and enabled clients to find new ways of coping. To read their article please press the link below.

Nigmatullina and Gerasimenko in their research highlight the benefits of arts therapies with at risk teenagers in school. They discuss the advantages of arts based approaches that encourage self-expression, self realisation and social skills. Clicking the link below will take you to the full article.